Investment Opportunity: 10 Acres Property Off Mumbwa Road
Sep 6th, 2023 at 16:36 Houses & Apartments For Sale Lusaka 1.4K views Reference: 12416ZK12,000,000
Location: Lusaka
Price in Kwacha: ZK12,000,000
For sale: 10 acres property located off Mumbwa Road, before Konzani Gardens. The property is fenced and almost complete, with proximity to town and easy access to Mumbwa Road. It consists of 12 two-bedroomed flats, each attracting a rental income of K 4000 monthly. Additionally, there is a three-bedroom double-storey house with modern features such as a master suite, sliding windows and doors, balconies, an extra room for an office or other use, and a double parking garage. The property also includes a mini bar and gym by the pool area. Price: K 12 million.
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